Planting Time for Lilies of the Valley ย 

By: Linda Phillips

Lily of the valley is a popular spring-blooming perennial that has white flowers that look like bells and smell sweet and fresh.

You must plant these fragile beauties at the correct moment for them to grow into strong, spreading plants that will bring you years of joy.

If you want to plant lily of the valley, you should do it in the fall, after the plant's leaves have died back but before the ground freezes solid.

This gives the underground stems, or pips, time to grow roots before going to sleep for the winter.

You can also plant in the spring, but the pips might have a harder time getting established.

Pick a spot with some shade and rich, healthy, well-drained humus.

Put the pips 6 to 12 inches apart and 2 to 3 inches deep, with the tips that grow facing up.

Until spring, when new growth starts to show, water the plant often.

It takes several years for lily of the valley to form thick colonies that keep spreading every year.

Plant it properly in the fall for lovely arched stems and sweet-smelling flowers in late April or May to welcome spring.

Read More: This is the best way to care for your Lily of the Valley plant